Inspirational Motivation for Living

What Story Do You Hold

Hello everyone,

Happy Motivating Monday! What amazing things have you overcame. When you focus on you next step, what story do you hold within heart? Think on these two key points as a reminder that will open awareness and build your knowledge.

Think On These two points:

Take A Moment to Reflect:

  • Your live story has only begun
  • Believe in yourself that you are enough


Reflect on This Thought: 

Reflect on this thought as you enter you work week. The experiences you faced and overcame tells the story of how to transcend from despair to optimistic reality. What story do you hold within as your link to success? The reflection of what you see in the mirror is the way you view your credibility.

See yourself as powerful takes you being the solution to overcoming obstacles.

Steps to see success:

  • See yourself different by looking at your reflection in the mirror
  • Use words of affirmation to speak to yourself
  • Repeat the positive words to yourself three times daily
  • Read and listen to positive books and songs to create an environment of positivity


Change the narrative in your life is in your hands to do. It is when you chose to reach for more in life that the fight to succeed is the story that your heart wants to write. Dare to dream beyond what you see and remember that the reflection in the mirror hopes for a better end.

What story do you hold within the chapters of your heart? Let the message that you give heal the hurting soul of those who hear the words. The message of “You are enough, and hope is not far away!” As the words sweep over you, believe them, and know that you are the controller of your destiny to win.

Once again thank you for being a part of the Books by Fran Community everyone. Keep comments respectfully and modest. Absolutely NO solicitation post. The blog message is designed to encourage and inspire others to reach the level of greatness they hold within. Comment on this post to let me know if you like this content. Be the story that will change the environment from less than to more than in your life. Don’t let your dreams and hopes be stunted by the negative things around. The change happens when you allow your story to reach the stars for the difference to be made. Hold the story of your life as the shiny example to be the brass ring for others to follow.