Inspirational Motivation for Living

Seize The Moment

Happy Monday Books by Fran Community, I hope that you had a recharging weekend to spark fire to your dreams and goals. Let this week be your gateway to seize the moment in life. For the holidays are approaching and this year will be celebrated differently than previous years before. Fill your hearts with joy to seize the moment of new methods to enjoy your family and friends in spite of it all. Take a…

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Inspirational Motivation for Living

Don’t Lose Your Way

Happy Monday Books by Fran Community, I trust your weekend was fulfilling. This is another week to put your plan in motion and don’t lose your way to soar into your greatness. Believe in your dream to be the best at what you have in you to do. Never stop working towards the hope burning in your heart to be a painter, writer, or whatever you have in you to be. The creative songs you…

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Inspirational Motivation for Living

Let Your Best Foot Move Forward

Happy Monday Books by Fran Community, I hope every one’s had an awesome weekend. A time much needed to relax and rewind for the coming week ahead. Let your best foot move forward into the tomorrow of your unclaimed possibilities. Keep looking within to push pass through the hinderances of fear and setbacks to setup your destiny for success. Take a moment to reflect on the points below and make moves to let your best…

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Inspirational Motivation for Living

Time Is Now

Happy Monday Books by Fran Community, I trust your weekend was great and filled with the rest you needed to refresh ad revive you for the week ahead.  Look at this week as a week to see that time is now to write the story of your life. Let the words encourage and guide others to finding the best that they have to offer. Take a moment to reflect on the points below and focus…

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Inspirational Motivation for Living

Investing In You

Happy Monday Books by Fran Community, I hope you all had an awesome weekend. I want to focus this week’s thoughts on investing in yourselves. With all that we face in this life, often times one person is never considered when running in the rat race of the ages. That is why investing in you is key when daring to dream is filling your mind. Take a moment to reflect on the points below, as…

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Inspirational Motivation for Living

Seeing Beyond The Now

Happy Tuesday everyone, I hope that your weekend was a restful one? I wanted to talk to you today about seeing beyond the right now to seeing yourself in tomorrow. What lies beyond getting up every day working the same old job the same old way? Thing have to change, and it must start with in us. Take a moment to reflect on the points below, as you see beyond the now. Take A Moment…

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Inspirational Motivation for Living

Rise Above The Chaos

Happy Monday everyone, it is still a great time in life as we rise above the chaos in this world. In everything give thanks for it is another day that you can shine with the light of what God has given you to share with the world. When chaos is present bring peace, let it radiate from your every being. When hatred of other people’s differences and abilities erupts, you must emerge yourself in love.…

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Inspirational Motivation for Living

Seeing Your Perspective Thoughts Unfolded

Happy Monday everyone, it is another glorious day today and I encourage you all to stay positive on finishing your goals and dreams. It is never too late to start focusing on seeing your perspective thoughts unfolded in writing, drawing, singing, or whatever it is that you can do; doing it with the best that you have within you to give. Your perspective should be the thoughts of your abilities seen in what you add…

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Inspirational Motivation for Living

Back To School or Not

Happy Monday everyone, it is that time again for back to school shopping and preparations. However, the time has come for our children to once again walk the halls of schools everywhere. Is this a good thing or should we look for safer options? The decision for parents is clear and without question, the safety of our children in back to school or not blues. Take a moment to reflect on the points below, as…

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Inspirational Motivation for Living

Just Stand In The Face Of It All

Happy Monday everyone, the time has come to truly stand on the principles in which you believe. You can do the things people have told you were mere kid dream and see the joy it brings to better other people as well as yourself. With the songs you write or the paintings that you masterpiece with the stroke of your brushes. Whatever it is that you can do, just stand in the face of it…

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