Inspirational Motivation for Living

Rise Above The Hate

Hello everyone,

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend to renew your minds and strengthen your souls. Don’t let the hatred and fear of small, minded thinker sway you to lose sight of your goals and dreams. What we have seen in our nation last week has revealed insecurities of people not wanting to be better. A country cannot stand if it is divided against itself. God has not given us the spirit of hatred, but of love his perfect love. Love is kind, it long suffering, it is not puffed up, it is not easily provoked, it hopeth all things, beareth all thing, and it endureth all things. According to 1 Corinthians 13, God is love and anyone that say that they love God and hate their brother or in this case other people of all creed and color is not of God.

Take a moment to reflect on the points below and rise above the hate to build on love:

Take A Moment To Reflect:

  • Never stop rising above the limits of other people’s expectation
  • Moving past the shackled views of society to embracing the dream of equality


Thoughts to Remember:

Remember this thought, we cannot walk into purpose if we are blinded by hate. We are all travelers to the world and what we say and do speaks to our legacy of what we pave for history. The world has to move forward and not backwards. It takes a wiseman a lifetime to build a strong city and a fool a single night to burn it to the ground. Anyone foolishness enough to believe that one portion of humanity can rule over another is demonic in nature. Each of us possess a gift that add to the other, this is how nations prosper. United we stand does not apply to just a hand full of people but everyone that make this nation great.

Focus On This:

Stay focused on being the best you there is to be without prejudice views and hatred of heart. Live on purpose and remember God’s thought for you is not man’s thoughts for you. For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end; according to Jeremiah 29:11. That end is forward and not back, above the limits of where other see you and not beneath anyone expectation to being successful.

Once again thank you for being a part of the Books by Fran Community everyone. Even in the darkest hour we are still worthy the conversation to be and do better as one people. Write your comments below and let me hear from you on how you will do your part to silence hatred for the beauty of love and peace. Until next week, stay safe, blessed and healthy. Remember we are stronger together as one people moving forward and not stumbling backwards.