Inspirational Motivation for Living

Let Love Led Us To Humility

Hello everyone,

Happy Monday to you! We have been through so much these past few weeks, and yet we are still here. No matter battles we fight or what difficulties faced, let love led us to our humility of grace. As humanity of kindness and brotherly love shroud our hearts, never forget that being the helping hand is what keeps the fire of hope sparking for change.

Think and reflect on these two points as you gear yourself to let love led you to your humility to love.

Take A Moment To Reflect:

  • We are all hard press to reap good things to emerge through the effort made
  • Continue to believe in the hope that lies within to accomplish your dreams and goals

Reflect on This Thought:

Remember and reflect on this thought as you focus on that your willingness to show kindness is found in you letting love led us. Our humanity is what set us apart from hatred. We must never lose sight of making life count with the gifts that we have before us. Let love led us to humility in how we treat each other as we add value to the world we embrace and call home. Yes, times are different, and we have faced some challenging moments in our life living.

Take A Moment To Focus:

  • On your bravery
  • On sharing your brilliance
  • Your compassionate heart
  • On your belief in yourself

Focus On This:

Stay focused on this one thing, that your labor is not in vain. When you take a step of faith to do the thing you love to do, it helps to focus your mind on what is important. Give you a chance to be the best that you can be. Let love led you to humility and grace as you venture into your greatness. Freedom from the chains of lies and negativity are broken in you when you step out on faith to soar in your dreams and goals. Never stop believing in the faith you have to do the impossible.

Once again thank you for being a part of the Books by Fran Community everyone. Never doubt that you are the difference maker in the lives of yourself and those you influence. Change happens first within you and then it affects others around you. Write your comments below and let me hear from you on how you will let love led you to humility within yourself for greatness to shine through. Until next week, continue to stay safe out there, be blessed and healthy.