Inspirational Motivation for Living

March Into Your Destiny

Hello everyone,

Happy Monday to you! Welcome to March the third quarter of the month. Time to kick your intensity up as you implement your plan into action. Each day we wake with the deep hope and desire to build something great. Not knowing how to start we stop short of the idea, however, the yearning in the heart to be the writer, poet, singer, or even entrepreneur longs to emerge. March into your destiny as this month opens the door to the best you have within to shine.


Think and reflect on these two points as you March into your destiny ahead.

Take A Moment To Reflect:

  • You are not a failure for believing there is more to life
  • Hoping in a better future is never just a dream but a call to greatness

Reflect on This Thought:

Remember and reflect on this thought, it is the power of God that has called you to be great. Stand tall and let your feet be planted in the word that God has ordered your steps to walk and walk in prosperity. Reflect on those that have labored before you so that your path is laid out with clearer perception in the way we are to go. March into your destiny with your head held high as you focus on creating the life that you are made to be. Let the poetry flow from your lips or whatever it is that you can do, let it be done.

  • You are greater than other people’s thoughts of you
  • Even in disappointments and setbacks trust that you can soar prosperous
  • Trust that God has brought you this far too leave you
  • Staying the course to reach your destiny


Focus On This:

Stay focused on being the best that you have within you to be. You have been called out to be a light unto those you meet in the world around. Always focus on your March into your destiny, that drives your heart to accomplish much. Like a beacon shining for all to see you must stand firmly planted in the faith of stepping out to work in the ability that you have at your fingertips to command. March into your destiny which lies ahead to better your life and those around you.

Keep your focus with these five steps:

  • Step one, write down your idea or thought
  • Step two, reach what it is that you want to make a reality
  • Step three, take wise counsel when building and shake off negative words that would bring you down
  • Step four, BELIEVE in your ability to do and be great
  • Step five, giving your best when writing, drawing, or whatever it is that you have within you to do

Once again thank you for being a part of the Books by Fran Community everyone. March is the opening to warmer weather and new birth of spring. Write your comments below and let me hear from you on how Marching into your destiny has inspired you. Remember we are the hands and feet to heal the land. Be, blessed and stay safe!