Inspirational Motivation for Living

Starting A New Journey

Hello everyone,

Happy Monday everyone! I have GREAT NEWS!! I have started a new journey to launching my business. I have talked for years about stepping out on faith and living your dreams and goals. For the past month I have been doing what I have preached, and I am excited to move forward in being a Transformational Life Coach. Starting a new journey is never easy, but it is necessary to reach the next level of greatness that is yet to be seen you.

Think On These two points:

Take A Moment To Reflect:

  • Your destiny is locked up within your grasp
  • Do what you have within your heart to do that will create good change

Reflect on This Thought:

We all must face things in life, some good and some bad. It is in the choices that we make which determines the outcome. Never allow obstacles to distract you from reaching your dreams and goals. Setbacks are just opportunities for your setup to be released in your life.


Starting a new journey happens first within the mind and writing it out give it life to birth vision for your road map to be manifested. Take action to start your journey for you are called to great; therefore, BELIEVE and watch your destiny unfold. I took that step to start a new journey and I believe in you to make your leap of faith to let your light shine in whatever it is that you can do.


Focus On This:

  • Live your dreams by getting out of your own way to succeed
  • Never allow negative words to imped your path to greatness
  • Believe in the you that you know you are within
  • You can start your new journey as soon as you agree with your heart

Once again thank you for being a part of the Books by Fran Community everyone. Keep comments respectfully and modest. Absolutely NO solicitation post. The messages are designed to encourage and inspire others to reach the level of greatness they hold within. Comments are for the community to share and encourage each other with testimonies of implementation. Leave your commits below on how you started your new journey.