Inspirational Motivation for Living

Honoring Fathers

Hello everyone,

Happy Motivating Monday! This weekend we will be remembering and celebrating Fathers. A Father is one that nurtures, guides, protects, and loves his children. A father is a symbol of the modern day hero in his children’s eyes. Take a moment to think on these two points.

Think On These two points:

Take A Moment To Reflect:

  • A father’s strength of character is to be valued
  • Honor a man who has given so much to his children

Reflect on This Thought:

Fathers are special, they are the modern day heroes of tomorrow. A father is a man that will give his life to ensure his children to have the very best. The words thank you seem small and yet it is worth saying to these champions of the hearts of the young the father. Therefore, thanks for the sound advice, chasing the monsters away in the dead of night. Thanks for the warm hugs, near miss when your little ones falls. Thanks for being the voice of reason when it felt no one else understands. Thanks for the dad jokes that fill the room with laughter. A day of remembrance to celebrate and honor the modern day hero call Dad!

Once again thank you for being a part of the Books by Fran Community everyone. Keep comments respectfully and modest. Absolutely NO solicitation post. The messages are designed to encourage and inspire others to reach the level of greatness they hold within. Comments are for the community to share and encourage each other with testimonies of implementation and success. With that being said please leave your positive commits below on how you celebrated and remembered you fathers this week and weekend.