Inspirational Motivation for Living

Race to Completing One Thing

Hello everyone,

Happy Motivating Monday! I hope Father’s Day weekend was great for everyone. Now that the work week has begun, don’t lose sight of what you want to achieve for your goals and dreams. When time is your competitor is time, race to complete one thing. Rather it is your scrapbook or writing your book, focus on that one thing.

Think On These two points:

Take A Moment To Reflect:

  • We are triune beings that can accomplish much
  • Take each opportunity to perfect the gifts and talents within

 Reflect on This Thought:

The mind is filled with complex and yet simple thoughts that flood with images of what is and what can be. Racing to completing one thing is an agreement with yourself to shut every distraction out to give full attention to the goal wanting to be achieved.

Steps to Completing One Thing:

  • Step 1- Designate a set time to work for 1hour
  • Step 2- Set a 10 min break to give your mind a rest to refocus
  • Step 3- Ensure to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch to fuel your brain
  • Step 4- Exercise with walking or running to activate creativity

With these steps train your yourself to focus on your goals doing what is needed first to start. Work with intensity to work during your uninterrupted time to getting things done.

Once again thank you for being a part of the Books by Fran Community everyone. Keep comments respectfully and modest. Absolutely NO solicitation post. The messages are designed to encourage and inspire others to reach the level of greatness they hold within. Comments are for the community to share and encourage each other with testimonies of implementation and success. Making this week the week for your race to completing one thing, and it does not have to be the entire project, just one part at a time.